Paula Jones

Math 8 Teacher & 8th Grade Algebra 1 Teacher


Paula Jones teaches math 8 and 8th Grade Algebra 1.  She received her Bachelor’s degree in STEM: Chemistry from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.  Her special interests in education include problem-based learning and STEAM. In the outdoors, her special interests are insects, amphibians, snorkeling, paddle boarding and canoeing---being in or near the water.  She says, “I've always loved nature and being outdoors, so Ivy was a natural (pun intended) choice for me! I believe in the values and purpose of Ivy and am proud to be a part of what Ivy does!” She looks forward to opportunities to make a difference in her students.

Paula has volunteered at LIFE Monteverde Sustainable Farm in Costa Rica during the 2018 Spanish Study Abroad Trip.

Paula is the oldest of four girls, homeschooled through middle and high in Franklin, TN where she met her husband, travelled to Italy and France twice and Costa Rica once.  She plans to go to Greece in the next 5 years. Paula and her husband have two cats (Ed Sheeran and Ellie Goulding), a dog (Olive), fish (Stitch) and many house plants (affectionately referred to as "the forest").